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Kmicic Shiny bell 22” ride cymbal

Kmicic Shiny bell 22” ride cymbal

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€ 350,00Price
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Kmicic Shiny Bell 22” ride cymbal


Material: Stainless steel and titanium

Size: 22”


The Kmicic Shiny Bell 22" cymbal is a very interesting choice for drummers seeking a specific sound. Its wide dynamic range allows for the extraction of a broad spectrum of sounds, from bright and clear to darker and more subtle nuances. The bright wooden stick definition it offers is ideal for musicians who value precise control over the sound and want every strike to be clearly heard.


The short, but characteristic dark sustain adds uniqueness, giving depth and texture to the music, which is especially desired in various musical genres. The ability to crash this cymbal, even though it is primarily intended as a ride, shows its versatility and ability to adapt to different playing styles.


The bell of the cymbal, being bright and glassy, but not overly harsh to the ear, is another advantage. It provides a clear and defined sound, which can be a perfect complement to both calm and more energetic pieces.

In summary, the Kmicic Shiny Bell 22" is an excellent choice for drummers looking for a ride cymbal that offers not only high sound quality and precision but also unique tonal nuances, allowing to stand out in any musical composition.

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