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Kmicic 21’ flying hammer ride drum cymbal

Kmicic 21’ flying hammer ride drum cymbal

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€ 340,00Price
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Kmicic 21” flying hammer


diameter: 21’

volume: precise, dry, whashy

sustain: long/loud,

material: Stainless steel with titan

finish: custom

hammering: random hand

skill level: advanced, professional

on the box:

- cymbal

- certyficate with hammer marks used to forge this exact cymbal

- Fiber cloth for Clean

On photo gallery You see what we are packing our cymbal.

Each cymbal I create is my interpretation of how I hear and feel the music in my soul. All demos and videos showcasing the cymbals are recorded using a RODE microphone and remain unprocessed in any software.

I'd like to introduce the new possibilities provided by high-quality stainless steel combined with titanium, which is manufactured according to my special order at a steel mill in Katowice, Poland.

Each of the cymbals comes with a certificate of authenticity and my signature.

Remember, every instrument needs to be learned and respected.

Best regards,

A Adam K

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